On Tuesday the European Parliament voted to enforce the reduction of the sulphur content in marine fuels with in the European emissions control areas (ECA) to 0.1% from January 2015. In addition the parliament also voted to enforce a limit of 0.5% in non ECA areas which are within EC territorial waters from 2020. We believe that this is a positive move which removes the uncertainty which has paralysed the shipping industry of late. Whilst the ship operating community will doubtless be disappointed that its efforts to delay implementation have not been successful, hopefully it will appreciate that now, with the uncertainty removed, it can work towards the most cost effective means of compliance. In a report in today’s Lloyds List Ian Adams, MD at IMA Marine and Chief Executive at the International Bunker Industry Association, encouraged owners to look to technology to find the solutions to removing harmful emissions without paying the premium for low sulphur fuels. What the vote on Tuesday also illustrated is that emissions legislation is constantly evolving. The EU ‘s desire to implement a limit of 0.5% outside ECA’s but in territorial seas is just one example, the potential for new ECA’s in Australia, Hong Kong and other areas is being actively discussed and it is only a matter of time before a greater percentage of shipping movements takes place within one. All of this leads to the conclusion that whatever the ship owning communities reservations, it must engage with technology providers in order to avoid the crippling and ever increasing cost of compliant fuel.-